자주 듣던 표현인데 확실하게 정리해봄
Knock yourself out: Go for it, If you really don't care at all about a person doing/taking something you say "knock yourself out" as in to do/eat until you pass out (if you really want to). 다른이가 뭘 하든 전혀 신경쓰지 않을때 '잘 해 보라'고 하는 표현
Rock bottom: the absolute lowest possible point or level 단언할 만큼 최악의 상황
Get back at someone: Take revenge on 복수하다
Yarn[jaːrn] 실 - Knitting: 뜨개질
Sticks out: Look obvious
Stick in the butt: having a attitude or being persistent on a conflicting issue. 갈등이 있을만한(?) 문제에 끈질기게 구는 것
Frank: Please, take the stick out of your ass for one night!
Maternal: 어머니의 - Yo mama joke: 엄마 관련 패드립
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