2019년 8월 1일 목요일

190801 오랜만에 생각나서 expression 메모하러옴

get back on the horse

오늘 본 각기 다른 두 미드에서 나온 표현 shameless season 9 episode 13에서도 나왔고 big bang theory season 4 episode 1에서도 나옴(정확하지 않음, 시즌3의 마지막 에피일수도 있음. Raj가 wholes 로 말장난 치는 내용)

Def. 1 (verb) To attempt the same challenging action after failure. Apparently derived from an old adage: "You have to get back on the horse that threw you."

Def. 2 (verb) To get back into a habit. Traditionally this would refer to a good habit, but sarcastically might refer to a bad habit or addiction. Possible confusion with the phrase "on the sauce".
Def. 1 - I know you burned the turkey trying to cook Thanksgiving dinner, but you can't let that stop you if you really want to become a chef. You'll just have to get back on the horse and try cooking it again.

Def. 2 - I'd been trying to do 30 minutes of exercise every day, but my work schedule eventually got so busy I could never make it to the gym. Things have calmed down quite a bit recently though and I keep meaning to get back on the horse and go work out again.
구글에서 검색하면 idiom으로 나오지 않아서, 어반딕셔너리에서 찾음

If life gives you a lemon, squeeze the lemon and make a lemonade.

Shameless season 9 episode 13에서는 "If life gives you a lemon, you just gotta squeeze that juice into the wound and enjoy the pain" 이라는 대사가 나옴ㅋㅋ
칼이 알바하는 구린 패스트푸드점의 오너가 하는 말

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade is a proverbial phrase used to encourage optimism and a positive can-do attitude in the face of adversity or misfortune. Lemons suggest sourness or difficulty in life; making lemonade is turning them into something positive or desirable.

happy as a clam (at a high water)

엄청 기뻐하는 모습을 나타내는 표현

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