2017년 11월 16일 목요일

Atypical 받아쓰기 1

I’m a weirdo. That’s what everyone says. Sometimes I don’t know what people mean when they say things and that I can make it feel alone
even when there are other people in the room. And all I can do is sit and twitle which is I call myself stimulated mandatorial behavior when I flicker pencel against luber band in a certain frequency and think about all the things that I can never do like reasearch penguins in antartica or have a girlfriend. I don’t know. I’d like to go to the antiartica. It’s quiet there. Except in recourage the penguins freud. those aren’t quiet. no sir. I’m finished with my answer.
Great. Almost done for today. Good session Sam.
I can see your bra. It’s purple.
Um. There was one more thing I wanted to discuss and I don’t need your answers now, but I’m asking all my clients if they willing to donate brains for research.
Donate my brain?
After you die.
Yes. there’s a shortage of brain matter available and there’s no substatial for the real thing. Just think about it.
And hey, Sam. What you said earlier about having a girlfriend, people on the spectrum date, you know. You can try to find someone, if you wanted to.
Just put yourself out there.
Out where?
Buses are okay. But I don’t like the feeling of the seat back, so I sit like this. I don’t know people how to stand it.
Maybe they are developed their thicker back skin form right in the bus so much. there’s a type of antarctica code.
They has a special protein in its blood that stops their freezing. anti-freezing fish.
I was just thinking about Antarctica code.
Antarctica is the most remote (?) on the planet. It has 90% of water

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